Home Bio Merchandise Order Form Gig Guide News Tamworth Tag Along Photos Archives Trans-Help Contacts
In October
2013 Graham Rodger became the Ambassador for the White Hills Truck Driver
Memorial. A special wall was constructed
at Murray Bridge in South Australia to commemorate truck drivers who have lost
their lives on our roads. At the request
of Di Carroll, the CEO of Trans-Help Foundation, Graham wrote a couple of songs
especially for the foundation. “A
Truckie’s Last Letter” and “Reach Out.” Both these songs deliver a very strong message
originally directed to truck drivers but in many ways applicable to the broader
population as well. “A Truckie’s Last
Letter” is a song about a truck driver having been in a serious accident,
knows that he is dying and in the cab of his truck starts to write a letter to
his wife saying things that he had left unsaid for far too long and was now
afraid that he had left too late. This
is a message very relevant to every one of us. “Reach out” – a beautiful duet performed with Catherine Britt
delivers a very important reminder to us all that a problem shared is a problem
halved. If for whatever reason you need
help, the first step needs to be yours.
There are always loved ones or professionals out there who want to help,
just so long as you allow them. These
are two beautiful songs with a very strong message and a relevance to so many
of us. If you are looking for a copy of
these songs, they are on Graham’s CD “Dust and Leather”.
Graham performing at the opening of the Murray Bridge Truck Drivers Memorial.
It wasn’t
long after the dedication of this Murray Bridge wall that Graham was asked to
become the Ambassador of The Trans-Help Foundation itself, a wonderful
organisation which offers help to both truckies and their families Australia
wide. When it comes to assistance
Trans-Help is there whenever help is required.
For further information on Trans-Help click on this link to go to
their website. An excellent definition
of the Trans-Help Foundation that it is the “transport industry’s own
Graham is very aware of the
important role that truckies play in the smooth running of our economy and
society. It is a difficult, stressful
and demanding career which takes people away from their families, often for
weeks on end. He is delighted to assist
Di Carroll and her brilliant team of volunteers in any way possible. He strongly encourages any truckie or family
member who feels that they may benefit from the assistance Trans-Help provides
to contact them immediately. Be assured that you can rely on full
confidentiality on any matters discussed.
If you need help just reach out and click on this website link or call
Trans-Help on 1300 787 996.
One of
several mobile health and support units manned by
qualified volunteers offering assistance to truckies Australia wide.
Home Bio Merchandise Order Form Gig Guide News Tamworth Tag Along Photos Archives Trans-Help Contacts